Singapore Day 4: Books Actually, Haji Lane, Singapore National Library, Fort Canning Park,The Substation, Singapore Art Museum, Red Dot Design Museum

Books Actually

I have always been a fan of books since I was young, not that I'm that old right now. When I found out that Singapore has a bookshop that produced local books, I told myself that I can't miss out on this. The only problem is that Books Actually was pretty far from the nearest MRT station. I once again walked for around an hour (Because I got lost. Again). It really is worth it when you get there. The shop itself is easy to spot from the outside thanks to that beautiful wall art.

Books do come from trees!
As you can see they have cats roaming around the store. There was about three of them and you might even see one climb up the stacks of books like this one here.

May I help you sir?
They really have a huge collection here. There are even visual novels and foreign books. Books Actually owns a printing press named Math Paper Press that prints local books. So if ever you want to get a taste of the current Singaporean literature, this is a place you must not miss on your trip.

The store not only has a new books but they also have very old copies that can cost you over 30 SGD. They also have a backroom that has more books plus some vintage items that might be a good souvenir.

There's Catcher in the Rye up there
What are you looking at little cat?
Cat stare down !

The store has a cozy feel to it

I got Fish Eats Lion which is a collection of fictional stories and also a Luxury We Cannot Afford which is an anthology of Singapore Poetry.

TIP: Buy a local book in the country you're visiting as a souvenir. Go get one that would be almost impossible to get from where you are. It makes it more special since you can buy the other stuff from someplace else.

Haji Lane

Just parallel to the Arab Street is the Haji Lane. A street where you can find a lot of fashion stores. A must go for those who want to go shopping for hip clothes. I just went by since I wasn't really into dressing up. There were also some bars and a lot of visual art.

Great door design!
Simple and clean

Even the wall offers some wisdom

It was already past lunch and I haven't eaten yet so I was very luck to find a hawker at the end of the street. Here's a very delicious pork ribs noodles. Noodles are great even when it's hot outside.

Best paired with a glass of lime juice!
 National Library of Singapore

As I was walking in the afternoon heat, I did come across the National Library of Singapore. The building itself was really huge but what really got me is how it looked like when you're under it. By that time it was really hot so I went in to avoid the heat and also to check out what they had inside (Books obviously). So the floors leading up are mostly research materials but their public library is in their basement. That was where I headed. I was once again surprised to see their huge collection of books. They even had mangas, graphic novels, and even movie art books! The most surprising thing tough is that there were actually a lot of people using the library!

Don't forget to look up when you're there

I could stay here for days
Fort Canning Park

Only after going to Singapore that I realized I liked parks. I'm not sure though if I like actually like parks of just Singaporean parks. Anyway, I was killing time before I go to the Singapore Art Museum and that's when I found Fort Canning Park. The path was pretty steep so bring your water once again. I love how once your in a park you're pretty much taking a break from the city. You can just sit there in peace with nature. As I was walking, I even saw some squirrels. We don't have squirrels in the Philippines so it was a pretty big deal for me. There were also lots of different kind of birds that you might come across with as you take your stroll.

The Substation

Just a few streets away from the Singapore Art Museum rests The Substation. The Substation is Singapore's first contemporary art centre. The current artist that they were showcasing there when I dropped by creates art that is related to food.

Singapore Art Museum

It was around six pm when I arrived at the SAM. It was a huge three story building that housed a lot of artistic works and some of the weirdest art installations that I have ever seen. The admission fee for adults is 10 SGD, but students with an I.D. will only have to pay 5 SGD. 

The Forer Effect by Heman Chong
BluRay_B by Osang Gwon
The Birth of Tragedy by Natee Utarit

Unsubtitled by Nguyen Trinh Thi
Pepe by Alvin Zafra
Custos Cavum (Guardian of the hole) by Choe U- Ram

TIP:  Entrance is free for foreign visitors on Fridays 6-9 p.m. A guided tour also starts at 7:00 p.m. There are lockers in the ground floor that you can use for 1 SGD in case you want to leave your items for a lighter walk.

Red Dot Design Museum

Just neart the Maxwell Food Centre stands the Red Dot Design Museum which houses the latest trends in the international design scene. As luck would have it MAAD, which is an event that happens once a month on a Friday where artist come together to create an artistic marketplace, was happening when I was there.

Too hot to touch!
That concludes day 4 in Singapore (oooh rhymes).

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